Skara Brae – the houses

(Clarke, D.V. 1976. The Neolithic Village of Skara Brae, Orkney: 1972–1973 Excavations. An interim report)
By Sigurd Towrie
Today the visitor to Skara Brae will see structures from two phases of the settlement’s history. Most date from the final period of occupation (c2900-2500BC), with only two (Houses Nine and Ten) from the earliest excavated phase.
Skara Brae followed the pattern since noted at other Orcadian Neolithic settlements – houses were built, inhabited, abandoned and rebuilt, usually on the same site. Test pits dug by Vere Gordon Childe in the early 20th century encountered structural remains beneath the visible buildings, along with deposits in some areas two-metres deep.
Because of this, the early structures lie beneath the later constructions so can only be seen on the periphery of the excavated settlement (Houses Nine and Ten).

All the buildings, however, share the same basic design – a square room with a central hearth, a rectangular “box” on either side and a shelved “dresser” on the wall opposite the entrance.

To Childe, the boxes represented beds – an interpretation that has stuck despite there being no real evidence that was their role.
The early houses were circular with the “beds” set into the walls at either side of the hearth. Excavation evidence suggested they were also freestanding, perhaps clad in turf jackets – as proposed for the Barnhouse Settlement.
The later houses followed the same basic design, but on a larger scale. The shape also changed slightly, becoming more rectangular with rounded internal corners.
Also, the “beds” were no longer built into the wall but protruded into the main living area, giving the structures the same cruciform layout we see in other late Neolithic architecture.
Each house was accessed through a low entrance, which had a stone slab “door” that could be closed and secured by a bar that fitted into holes in the door jambs.
Despite the well-planned and constructed drainage system serving the structures – including what is suggested may be internal toilets – Childe firmly believed the villagers lived in squalor, tolerating “a nauseating amount of filth on the hut floors”. [10]
He wrote:
Behind Childe’s repeated references to fetid living conditions was his incorrect belief that the settlement was abandoned when the occupants fled in the face of a catastrophe. To Childe, the condition of the buildings in 1928-30 was exactly as they had been left following his proposed Neolithic exodus.

Today, visitors often think, not helped by over a century of accounts suggesting the same, that Skara Brae was an underground village made up of subterranean structures linked by a series of short, roofed tunnels.
This vision of the Neolithic settlement has become as persistent as Childe’s apocalyptic abandonment and is still regularly trotted out in popular articles relating to the site.
Another oft-repeated statement is that Skara Brae’s dwellings were subterranean. This notion first reared its head mere months after the settlement’s discovery, in Daniel Wilson’s brief 1851 account of the site and artefacts:
But while standing around the remains of the structures today, looking down into their interiors, may give the impression they were subterranean, that is not the case.
Childe recognised that the earliest buildings were not sunk into the ground but that the settlement began as “an agglomeration of free-standing huts which became embedded by successive steps in heaped up refuse – and that only partially.” [9]
As time went on, and buildings were demolished and replaced on the same spot, the later structures became encased in domestic refuse, sand and other materials. [15]
3d model of House Seven’s interior.
Roofing material
Rubble within the buildings saw Childe propose that they had corbelled, beehive-like, roofs.
He conceded, however, that his excavation team had not found enough to cover the entire span of the structures:

Because nothing survived of the structures’ roofs, it has long been assumed they were made of a perishable, organic material – perhaps timber, or whalebone, beams supporting a roof of turf, skins, thatched seaweed or straw. Seaweed, weighed down with straw ropes attached to stones, remained a roofing material in Orkney well into recent history.
The discovery of stone roofing “tiles” at the Ness of Brodgar, however, forces us to re-examine this tenacious assumption. Particularly when we re-read the early accounts of Skara Brae’s excavation.
Could its houses have been stone roofed too?

In July 1861, James Farrer wrote a letter to The Orcadian newspaper in which he stated that all the chambers and passages “were filled with sand and stones fallen from the roof…”
While this is far from definite proof of roofing tiles, in 1931 Childe described conditions in House Seven at Skara Brae:
Had Childe unwittingly stumbled across roofing tiles? Tiles that he then had his labourers clear out with the rest of the “rubbish”?
It is interesting to note his repeated references to fragile paving at Skara Brae that broke under the excavators’ feet – hardly the best material to cover a floor. [13]
Some years later, during his excavations at the Rinyo Neolithic settlement, in Rousay, Childe encountered another irregular “pavement” of thin slabs on the floor of some of the buildings. Back on site in 1946, he noted that few of the slabs were laid flat, with “quite a number” leaning up against wall and furniture features. [14]
His conclusion at Rinyo was that:
At this point it should be stressed that when the roof tiles were first encountered in the Ness of Brodgar’s Structure Eight they were originally thought to represent paving. But the quantity, size, fragility and distribution soon made it clear that we actually had fallen roofing material!

Part three: The date and extent of the settlement
See also
- Interactive 3D Model: House Seven, Skara Brae
- Interactive 3D Model: House One, Skara Brae
- Interactive 3D Models: Skara Brae artefacts
- [9] Childe, V. G. (1931). Skara Brae: a Pictish village in Orkney. Kegan Paul: London.
- [10] Childe, V. G., Paterson, J. and Bryce, T. (1929). Provisional Report on the Excavations at Skara Brae, and on Finds from the 1927 and 1928 Campaigns. With a Report on Bones. In Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Vol. 63, pp. 225–280).
- [13] Childe, V. G. (1930) Operations at Skara Brae during 1929. In Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Vol. 64, pp. 158–191).
- [14] Childe, V.G. and Grant, W. (1938). A Stone-Age settlement at the Braes of Rinyo, Rousay, Orkney (First Report). In Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Vol. 73, pp. 6–31).
- [15] Shepherd, A.N. (2016). Skara Brae life studies: overlaying the embedded images. In Hunter, F. and Sheridan, A. (eds) Ancient lives: object, people and place in early Scotland. Essays for David V. Clarke on his 70th birthday. Sidestone Press: Leiden.
- [23] Wilson, D. (1851) The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland (First edition).