AR9 flint AS29 fossilised sea urchin Str 21 AS29 sea urchin side view Str21 I19 Flint+scaleStr10 J120 bone point Str10 AA10 flint scraper L15 hammerstone Str10 L18 Flint other side Str10 L18 Flint Str10 M17 stone potlid Str10 Large threshold slab revealed in the magnificent eastern entrance to Structure 12, respendent with flanking standing stones N25 quartz hammerstone Str13 P42 macehead P42 macehead as found S33 pottery reverse Str12 S33 pottery Str12 T24 incised stone close up CMA T24 incised stone CMA W23 pecked stone ◄ 1 2 3 4 ►