Neralie reveals the new polished stone slab in St 14 Dain reveals more of the entrance to St 12 Adam and Shannah revealed more of the southern recess of St 1 Dr Cathy Batt and her assistant Danielle sampling one of the hearths in St 8 for archeomagnetic dating Colin recoreding the flue like structure Early morning light on the Ness structures beautiful Dave and Lynda prepare one of the hearths in St 8 for archaeomagnetic sampling Looking more and more like an archaeological site as initial cleaning progresses St 10 looking west 2012 Ness trench outline plan Sarah with her fine polished stone axe discovered under the west dresser of St 10 Mai half sections the stone setting in the side entrance to St 1 Emily displays the fine polished stone spatula from the levelling deposits under St 7 Andi doing a photo shoot for the UHI photographer Tim in St 1 The quern from St 14 is studied while being recorded by National Geographics photographer Jim Richardson Star find an axe rough out The new coloured pot sherd Mike investigates a construction cut for a robbed out orthostat in St 10 The miniature flint axe discovered by Woody yesterday A suitable discovery for Prof Mark Edmonds 1 2 ►