Link: Wonderful things hiding in plain sight: art at the Ness of Brodgar

Antonia and Georgie with an incised slab recovered from Structure Eight in 2015. (Ole Thoenies)
A new blog post on the subject of Neolithic art at the Ness of Brodgar is now available on the Ola Gorie website.
The post, Wonderful things hiding in plain sight: Art at the Ness of Brodgar, was written by Neolithic art specialist, Dr Antonia Thomas of the UHI Archaeology Institute. Click here to read.
Antonia’s book, Art and Architecture is Neolithic Orkney: Process, Temporality and Context is available to download free here. It’s lavishly illustrated, with photographs of some of the carved stones from the Ness of Brodgar and other sites across Orkney.