Funded MRes available looking at Ness of Brodgar burnt animal bone

The burnt animal bone assemblage from the Ness of Brodgar is the subject of a new funded Masters by Research (MRes) studentship available from the UHI Archaeology Institute.
Burning issues: the significance of burnt and cremated faunal assemblages in Neolithic Orkney aims to explore human-animal interactions in the Neolithic through consideration of a hitherto under-explored aspect of British Neolithic faunal assemblages – the taphonomy and zooarchaeology of burnt and cremated animal bone.
The research focuses on Neolithic Orkney, with the objective of characterising the extensive burnt bones assemblages from the Ness of Brodgar through a combination of traditional and innovative methodological approaches for taxonomic identification of burnt bone and a fine-grained analysis of depositional practice.
Click here for more details, including how to apply.