Focus on finds: arrowhead

Arrowhead fragment (πŸ“· Ole Thoenies)
The Early Bronze Age barbed-and-tanged arrowhead found in the outer passage of Structure Ten in July 2017. (πŸ“· ORCA)

On July 9, 2019, the tip of a broken flint arrowhead was recovered in the area between Structures Twelve and Twenty-Six.

The arrowhead was bi-facially flaked and most intriguing.

Because of the break we cannot say for certain what sort of arrowhead is represented, but the discovery point was high up in the section, hinting at something potentially late.

We already have an example from the Ness of a barbed-and-tanged arrowhead, which is an artefact from the early Bronze Age. Could this be something similar?

We simply cannot say without the other section of the arrowhead.

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