Dig Diary – Sunday, July 31, 2016
Day Twenty

Some of the 1,000-plus visitors to the open day today.
The year’s first open day
What a day! We were promised mainly dry weather but the wind blew and the showers just kept on coming – but still it didn’t seem to deter the number of visitors. By late afternoon the 1,000th person to join us came through the gates, a local lady Melba Shearer who was presented with a copy of the guidebook by site director Nick Card.
Huge numbers flocked in and joined the continual series of guided tours led by Sandra, Elaine, Keith, Martin and Roy.
While others crammed into the marquee to sample both the new jewellery range by Ola Gorie and a taste of some fine Orkney Brewery ales. Ola is very generously making a donation to the Ness Trust for each item sold of her new range inspired by our discoveries, so please consider purchasing some very attractive pieces.
Other attractions both on site and at the Stenness School also had brisk business. Huge thanks to all involved including the Orkney Archaeology Society volunteers, the Stenness Community and a host of others.
This blog I’m afraid is a bit brief today because a hot bath and a large dram are beckoning!
Normal service will be resumed tomorrow once we all have a chance to dry out and the sun comes out (we hope!)

Mike cooks up a Stone Age meal in his replica Neolithic ceramics.

Ola Gorie and Helen Smith display Ola’s new line of Ness of Brodgar jewellery.

The 1,000th visitor of the day, Melba Shearer, receives a guidebook from site director Nick.

The marquee for the Ola Gorie jewellery launch also provided a refuge from today’s inclement weather.

Stonemason Kevin Critchlow shows off his skills in drystane walling – nothing much has changed in 5,000 years.

Roy has his audience enthralled with his display of finds from this year.

Chris Gee displays his latest creation – a carved stone ball.