Dig Diary – Photography, planning and racing against time

Trench P this afternoon, showing Structures Ten, Eight and One. (Scott Pike)
Day Twenty-Nine
Thursday, August 11, 2022
After an incredibly busy day on site, we must apologise tonight for a very, very truncated diary.
It has been all go since we arrived on site but can report that the photography sessions featuring Structures Twenty-Seven and Ten were completed successfully and all required plans done and dusted.
Normal service will resume tomorrow. In the meantime, here are a few shots from Professor Scott Pike of Ten and Twenty-Seven, and a composite of Kevin’s splendid plan of the north end of Structure Eight – which, if you look carefully, shows Structures Eighteen and Seventeen in all their glory.
See you tomorrow.

Weeks of backbreaking work – a composite version of Kevin’s plans of the northern end of Structure Eight, showing the position of Eighteen and Seventeen running through the later building.