Dig diary – Friday, July 17, 2015
Day Ten

An overview of the main trench, looking north-west towards the Ring of Brodgar.
Proof the sky is blue, sometimes . . .
Once again apologies for the weather, which has stopped play for today — it’s just too treacherous for diggers, visitors and the delicate archaeology. Tours will resume over the weekend and excavation again on Monday.
Please note also that we will be having the first of our two open days next Sunday, July 26 — this year with added on-site attractions!
To compensate for the lack of a diary today, here are some super photographs that Hugo took from his kite earlier this week, just to show that it doesn’t always rain in Orkney! — enjoy.
The diggers, pictured in the photos, provide a real sense of the monumental scale of these buildings.

Structure One, looking south. You can make out the original plan before the later curving wall was inserted across the structure’s middle.

Structure Ten, looking east on its alignment with the equinox sunrise and Maeshowe.

Vertical view of the ever-photogenic Structure Twelve — if only the East wall hadn’t been robbed out.