Dig Diary – the stunning decorated stone recovered from Structure Twenty

Travis working at the end of Structure Twenty's pier.  (📷 Jo Bourne)
Travis working at the end of Structure Twenty’s pier. (📷 Jo Bourne)

Day Forty-Four
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

And here you thought you’d seen the last dig diary of the season. But we had to share this special find from today.

Although the site is closed to the public now, our work continues. In most of the buildings it has been a case of finalising paperwork, records and plans, but pockets of excavation continued in some, where there are still elements requiring clarification.

In Structure Twenty-Seven, we’ve been further investigating the building’s entrance arrangements and drains, while in Trench J Paul and his team have focused on the elements that pre-date the construction of Five.

Today’s star find came from Structure Twenty – one of the buildings underneath Ten – where we have continued work in the sondage to reach its floor. And today Travis found an incised stone slab – similar to Ceiridwen’s last week – with bands of decoration on both sides.

The Structure Twenty incised stone showing the bands of decoration. . (📷 Travis Lowe)
The Structure Twenty incised stone showing the bands of decoration. . (📷 Travis Lowe)
 (📷 Jo Bourne)
The incised bands. (📷 Jo Bourne)
 (📷 Jo Bourne)
The other side. (📷 Jo Bourne)

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