A selection of pictures from today from Jo Bourne and Sigurd Towrie.
As usual, click on any image for a larger version.

Tonia and Natalie expose the hearth in Structure Seventeen.

Hearth preparations in Structure Eight.

Natalie and Structure Seventeen hearth.

Jo M. places a kubiena tin in one of the Structure Eight hearths.

Holly with the hammerstone recovered from Structure Ten.

Close-up of Holly's hammerstone.

Excavating animal remains in Structure Ten.

Charlie in Structure Ten as Claire plans Structure Twelve entrance in the background.

Hearths ready for archaeomagnetism sampling.

Planning in Trench T done, Lisa heads back to Trench P with finds trays.

Structure Twenty-Seven southern drain.

Structure Twenty-Seven southern drain.

Structure Twenty-Seven southern drain.

The interior cladding of the south-eastern interior of Structure Twenty-Seven.

Natalie and Callum sampling the 1925 hole that produced the 'Brodgar Stone'.

Planning continues in Structure Ten.

Excavation continues in Trench X.

Declan with a worked stone tool from the central midden area.

Catherine, from Structure Eight, with a fine piece of Grooved Ware pottery found in the central midden area.