Young people get hands-on experience of creating Neolithic jewellery

A completed flint-drilled pendant and flax twine. (📷 Katy Firth)
A partially drilled bead-blank and flax twine. (📷 Katy Firth)

Young people from the Connect project have been getting a taste of the Neolithic as part of a Historic Environment Scotland-funded project Under the Surface.

This sees them visit heritage sites in Orkney before working with artists Megumi Barrington-Uenoyama and Louise Barrington to produce to creative work inspired by their experience.

For the Ness of Brodgar, our education officer Katy Firth has carried out introductory workshop to get the participants familiar with the site and our findings.

These included a number of activities, including building replicas of Structure Fourteen from Lego; fashioning “string” from flax (with Mark Cook) and creating stone beads using flint drills and their hand-made flax cords.

(📷 Katy Firth)
Creating flax twine. (📷 Katy Firth)

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