2024’s top finds – ‘stamped’ pottery sherd from Structure Forty

August began with a day of remarkable finds, one of which was this tiny pottery sherd.
Less that 4cm long, it was recovered from midden deposits around Structure Forty – Structure One’s predecessor. On first glance, it appeared to be just another fragment of Neolithic pottery. But once the caked-on midden material was removed, it turned out to be another first for the Ness!
Why? Because it was decorated in a fashion never before encountered on site – two tiny little cross motifs had been stamped into the outer face of the clay vessel. How did they do it? Why this style and method of stamped decoration? Another puzzle for post-excavation consideration.
What is clear is that, again, we’re looking the result of a deliberate choice and a fine example of crafting a tool to fulfil that vision.