2022’s top ten: paved area between Structures Seventeen and Eighteen

Structure Eight and its predecessors, Structures Seventeen and Eighteen.
Structures Seventeen and Eighteen are two earlier buildings (c3200BC) that pre-date, and lie beneath, Structure Eight (c3100BC).
A focus of the 2022 excavation season was to reveal more of the pair and understand how they related to each other and Structure Eight.
The results were enlightening, showing the two once stood side-by-side and separated by a paved area before elements of both were incorporated into the fabric of Structure Eight.

Drone shot of Structure Eight showing the curved walls of its predecessors, Seventeen and Eighteen, and the paved area between them. (Scott Pike)

(Scott Pike)

The remains of Structure Seventeen and the paved area. (Sigurd Towrie)

(Scott Pike)

The curving wall of Structure Seventeen and the paved area between it and its neighbour. (Sigurd Towrie)

(Scott Pike)