Monthly Archive: June 2021

Structures Eleven and Nineteen

Structures Eleven and Nineteen during the third major phase of activity within Trench P.Around 2900BC, the southern half of Structure Eight had been removed, Structure Ten erected and Structures Twelve… Read more
Structures Twenty-One and Twenty-Nine

Structures Twenty-One and Twenty-Nine

Structures Twenty-One and Twenty-Nine in relation to the other piered buildings in Trench P.Structure Twenty-OneThe excavated section of Structure Twenty-One, adjacent to Structure One (top).Schematic showing the suspected layout of… Read more
Structure Sixteen (ORCA)

Structure Sixteen

Occupation Phase Two in Trench P, dating from c3100BC. Structure Sixteen is highlighted in red.The heavily truncated remains of Structure Sixteen sit directly to the south of Structure Fourteen in… Read more
Structures Thirty-Six and Twenty Featured Image

Structures Twenty and Thirty-Six

The earliest phase of activity so far uncovered in Trench P, showing the location of Structures Thirty-Six and Twenty.Structure TwentyBuilt around 2900BC, Structure Ten was the last major construction in… Read more
Structures Eight, Seventeen and Eighteen

Structures Seventeen and Eighteen

The relationship between Structure Eight (in red) and its two predecessors, Structures Seventeen (left) and Eighteen.The earliest phase of activity so far uncovered in Trench P, showing the location of… Read more