2006 excavation report available to download

The next in our series of Data Structure Reports (DSR) is now available, with the 2006 document free to download here.
A DSR is a technical excavation report – an intermediate summary to define the results, initial interpretation and questions that assist developing in post-excavation analysis and subsequent strategy.
It must be stressed that the 2006 document is report of its day and our interpretation of the site has evolved considerably over the last two decades.
2006 saw two phases of excavation.
The first, in February, investigated visible slumping at the top of the huge midden mound at the south-east of the site (which would eventually be excavated by Trench T). Among the finds were decorated Grooved Ware pottery and a piece of Arran pitchstone. The results confirmed the area was part of the Ness of Brodgar complex.
In August, the second phase of digging focused on Trench J and the emerging northern boundary wall and the northern extension of Structure Five.
DSRs from subsequent seasons will follow over the coming months so you can see how the Ness excavation developed and our ideas changed.