2004 excavation report available to download

Earlier this year we posted the 2003 DSR and today the 2004 report is available to download.
A Data Structure Report (DSR) is a technical report of excavation – an intermediate summary to define the results, initial interpretation and questions that assist developing in post-excavation analysis and future strategy.

2004 was the first season of work following the discovery of Structure One in 2003. It focused on a series of eight trial trenches which showed that the features revealed by geophysical surveys were the tip of a prehistoric iceberg.
The results confirmed that most of the massive Ness of Brodgar mound was artificial, comprising structures, middens and deep, midden-enhanced soils dating to the Neolithic.
Other DSRs from subsequent seasons will follow over the coming months, so you can see how the Ness excavation developed and our ideas have changed.